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What is Wholefood Nutrition?

Our bodies possess a remarkable ability to recognize, efficiently digest, and effectively absorb foods that are derived from nature in their whole and unadulterated form. As the complexity and processing of our food increases, so do the potential challenges it may pose to our digestion and overall health.


Whole foods, often referred to as Nature's bounty, encompass foods that maintain their natural balance, allowing for optimal digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination within our bodies. These foods remain unaltered, free from modifications, additions such as sugar, salt, preservatives, artificial colours, and pesticides.


Integral to their composition, whole foods retain their natural fibre, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, ensuring a comprehensive nutritional profile that supports our well-being. By embracing whole foods, we harness the inherent goodness that nature provides, nourishing our bodies with essential elements necessary for optimal health and vitality.


Examples of these foods are:

• Fruit

• Vegetables

• Nut, seeds, whole grains such as whole wheat (not white proceed wheat)

• Legumes

• Organic free-range eggs


Healing with Wholefoods 

Incorporating the appropriate foods into your daily diet is essential for both healing and overall health.


Food possesses the remarkable ability to heal, strengthen, and energize our bodies. However, consuming the wrong foods can cause harm, leading to digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, sleep disturbances, nutritional deficiencies, and even illness.


As your guide, I will provide recommendations and suggestions regarding the integration and removal of specific foods from your diet to help you achieve your individual goals. I firmly believe that this is one of the most crucial aspects of supporting healing and promoting overall well-being.


The accumulation of toxins in our bodies at a faster rate than they can be eliminated is often the root cause of many diseases. Whole foods play a vital role in providing our bodies with precisely what they need in the right proportions. For instance, an apple contains a balanced combination of nutrients necessary for effective digestion, absorption, and reaping the benefits it offers. Nature has indeed provided us with the perfect package.


Food holds an integral place in our lives as it supports our body's various functions. To facilitate healing, it is crucial to address and often modify what we eat and how we digest it. I am here to assist you in identifying the nutritional support your body requires. By addressing nutritional deficiencies and toxicities and incorporating whole foods, we can effectively support your specific condition, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional in nature.




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Empowerment, Transformation, Wellness  
with Kinesiology.

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